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Welcome and Enjoy! A new podcast is born! Fertile Minds Radio

Welcome to Fertile Minds Radio! Here you will find wisdom for your fertility journey and beyond, chosen specifically to help you trust your body and elevate your spirit. Join us and see what a fertile mind feels like. I am your host, Hillary Talbot Rowland. I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, a Certified Fellow of American Board of Reproductive Medicine, and a teacher of meditation. I practice at the Art of Acupuncture in beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida. I am so excited to start this journey and my number one commitment is to bring you the world’s best experts in the field of fertility and mind/body medicine. This will be information you can trust and apply immediately along your pregnancy journey. You can look forward to interviews with leading experts, my own personal knowledge, and real-life stories. Fertility is about so much more than getting a positive pregnancy test and I want to teach you to embrace your journey no matter how long you have been trying, whether three months or three years or even longer.


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Let's Connect. I want to share my secrets of reducing stress and enhancing your fertility.